Monday, 11 August 2014

Plus d'information

If you are interested in learning more about our Full-Day Kindergarten program, there is information available on the Ministry of Education website at:

This website also provides information on play-based learning and ways to help prepare your child for school.


Bonjour Parents and Guardians,

I am excited to welcome our new students and some familiar faces from last year to our French Immersion Full-Day Kindergarten classroom!

I have spent a lot of time supplying and volunteering with last year's French Immersion Kindergarten students. This year, I am happy to be working along side Mrs. Dasilva who will be our Early Childhood Educator.

I will be updating this blog progressively throughout the school year so please visit it anytime!

I look forward to meeting you and getting to know the students,

Mlle Kirkland