Saturday, 27 September 2014

Le cinéma

Our students have taken an interest in the cinéma. On Friday we turned our class into a cinéma dramatic play centre where students sold les billets, le pop-corn and watched some in-class footage. It was really fun and many students jumped at the opportunity to take on some responsibilities in the planning, building and set up.

Terry Fox Run

Terry Fox Run was a success. We have some excellent runners in our class. Merci pour les donations!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Bus Safety

Today we learned about bus safety. We attended a presentation in the gym then practiced what we learned on a bus parked out front!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Picture day!

Reminder: Tomorrow is picture day!

Encore plus de couleur!

Colour projects are up and look great on the wall!

Les bandes à compter

Here are some of our bandes à compter. We made these with some help from our grade 5/6 Learning buddies. We sent les bandes home in their sacs à courrier. Ask your child to count it out for you!(JKs 1 à 10, SKs 1 à 20)

Friday, 19 September 2014

Les couleurs

Nous apprenons les couleurs en français! Quels jolis arc-en-ciels!

Je peux compter!!!

The students chose these materials from our arts and crafts centre and counted them as we glued each piece to the cardboard.

Ask your child to count small groups of things when they're outside of school. We also like to sing a counting song at this link:

Les fleurs

Our beautiful paintings of les fleurs!!

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Book Fair

Bonjour Parents & Guardians,

Mardi le 23 septembre, our class will have the opportunity to visit the Scholastic Book Fair in Cathcart's front foyer. Our time slot is from 9:10 - 9:40. You are welcome to accompany your child or send money with them in their mailbag.


Mme Kirkland et Mme DaSilva

Meet & Greet

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Sept. 18) is our Meet & Greet from 4:30 - 6:30.

We look forward to seeing you there!