Thursday, 27 November 2014

Les formes

We are learning about les formes (shapes). Here are some songs we are singing about les formes.

(To this old man)

Le triangle, le triangle,
Le triangle a trois côtés,
Viens compter 1-2-3,
Le triangle a trois côtés

Le rectangle, le rectangle, (*can substitute "carré")
Le rectangle a quatre côtés,
Viens compter 1-2-3-4
Le rectangle a quatre côtés

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Les balances

Some students recently told us about their visits to the doctor's office. One student brought in a photo of him being weighed. Since then we have brought in une balance (scale) to put in our own doctor's office. The children weighed themselves and we are now trying out a different balance in our science centre as well. We are teaching our students to compare the weight of objects and use words like "léger" (light) and "lourd" (heavy).

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Discussions du village des pionniers

Today we discussed some of the things we might see at the pioneer village on Friday. The students were full of ideas about the wash board and iron and were surprised when Mme Hewitt and I revealed their purposes! Please remember to send field trip permission forms and $9.00 as soon as possible!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Dur et doux

Our bone experiment has sparked an interest in objects that are dur (hard) versus doux (soft). Today we went on a scavenger hunt around the classroom for objects that are dur. If your child is playing with a toy at home ask them if it's dur or doux. They will recognize those words and may answer en français!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Les os!

Last week we had a visitor come teach us about milk. We learned how it is made and about milk products. We discussed how milk is good for us and that le calcium makes our bones strong. As an experiment, we put chicken bones in a jar of vinegar. The vinegar removes the calcium from the bones and makes them weak. Today one of the bones broke! Ask your child about strong bones and some of the foods they think will help make them strong!

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Jour de souvenir

Voici un photo de nos coquelicots. We are displaying our Remembrance Day poppies outside the gym for students and parents to see.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Jour de souvenir

Tomorrow we will be singing with Mme Boyle's class during the Jour de souvenir assembly. Our students really enjoy singing this song. You might hear your child practicing at home!

Braves soldats, braves soldats,
A la guerre, à la guerre,
Vous avez eu froid, vous avez eu chaud,
Pour la paix, pour la paix.
Braves soldats, braves soldats,
Aujourd'hui, aujourd'hui,
Nous voulons vous dire, nous voulons vous dire,
Un merci, un merci

(to the tune of Frère Jacques)

Friday, 7 November 2014

Stacking cups

Some of our students have taken an interest in stacking cups. On November 13th our class will participate in setting a world record for the most children stacking cups around the world at an event hosted by Mrs. Zottl's grade 4/5 class. This is a great way to develop their motor skills. We have been playing with all sizes of cups and today tried out Mrs. Zottl's oversized cups!

Lettres pour les soldats

Today we sent letters to troops abroad. Here are some of the supplies we used to make our cards unique.