Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Les lumières de Noël

This week we made Christmas lights with our names. We counted our letters and compared them to the lengths of our friends' names.

Père Noël

Here is a holiday craft we made of le Père Noël.

La boîte à lettres

Our students love writing letters. We have a stationary centre in our class where they can write to each other and their families. We are encouraging the students to start their letters with "À" (To) and to finish with "De" (From). We discussed what we need to put on our envelopes (names, addresses and stamps). We even decorated our own boîte à lettres!

Chanson de bonhomme de neige

Here's a photo of a song we've been singing (regardless of the lack of snow). Our students picked it up quickly and really enjoy it!

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Maison de pain d'épices

Today we built our very own maison de pain d'épices! Our next step is to label the different parts of it (toit, fenêtre, porte, mur).

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Les oiseaux

We are learning about les oiseaux. We are talking about their nids (nests: pronounced like "knee"), les oeufs (eggs) and some of the things they eat. We have a pair of binoculars so students can watch for birds from our window and compare them to the birds from our books. As a project we are making pine cone bird feeders. We will be sending them home soon and hope that your child will hang it outside near a window where they can watch the birds eat.